Bingung,,mau upload/masukin data ke PC dengan kapasitas besar n pasti butuh waktu yang lama...
banyak alternatif yang bisa dipakai upload data berupa image, music dll ke PC, selain lewat Kabel USB, bisa juga dengan Transfering data via bluetooth..namun masih perlu waktu yang lama. padahal masih banyak keperluan yang harus dikerjakan...
tidak usah bingung lagi saya punya alternatif yang mungkin bisa menghemat waktu,,
yaa...masih via bluetooth sich..caranya dengan Me-remote data dari HP ke PC aja....
berikut Langkah-langkahnya ...
1. pastikan bluethoot di PC kamu sudah dalam keadaan aktif...
2. Kalo udah AKtif Bluetooth di PC kamu,
nah, sekarang kamu aktifin bluetooth kamu di HP...biarkan mencari dulu
perangkat..sesudah ketemu perangkat bluetoothnya di PC seperti gambar dibawah...
3. selanjutnya klik 2 x di icon/gambar HP atau nama bluetooth yang ada di tampilan monitor...,sampai icon di atas tampilan bluetooth berubah seperti gambar dibawah....
4. setelah beberapa icon aktif pilih bluetooth FILE TRANSFER SERVICE..klik 2x..
5. Sesudah muncul tampilan remote, pada monitor maka akan muncul folder-folder yang ada di HP kamu,,setelah itu pilih folder yang mau dimasukan datanya ke PC...
6. sesudah kamu memilih folder yang akan dimasukan ke PC...blok data/gambar, klik kanan pilih copy,,arahkan ke folder di PC kamu lalu paste...
Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
Number of Unemployment in Indonesia is still gloomy ...
National Development Planning Agency estimates that in the next five years illusions about unemployment in Indonesia is still be bleak due to the unavailability of employment.
In this regard, countries still need to develop intensive industries and workers is not possible to switch to modern technology since the structure of the labor force, workers, and unemployment according to education is still dominated by primary school graduates down.
National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) also estimates that in 2004 the number of labor force will reach 102.88 million people, including a new labor force of 2.10 million. Additional jobs are created only 10.83 million people.
Job creation can not compensate for the growth of new labor force that causes the open unemployment rate in 2004 rose to 10.83 million people (10.32 per cent of the workforce), from the previous year 10.13 million people (9.85 percent of the force work).
Increased rates of open unemployment is still expected to continue in 2005, where the unemployment rate is projected to be 11.19 million people or 10.45 percent of the workforce (see table). This projection was made with the assumption that economic growth in Indonesia in 2004 and 2005 respectively 4.49 percent and 5.03 percent.
State Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Kwik Kian Gie said, with an estimated economic growth of 5.03 percent in 2005, which created employment only 1.75 million people and open unemployment reached 11.19 million or 10.45 per cent of the total workforce.
Economic growth is estimated to 4.49 percent in 2004 and 5.03 percent in 2005 considered at all does not guarantee the opening of employment opportunities. Because new investments tend to use modern and sophisticated machines that do not require many workers.
Kwik revealed that the seminar "Market-Friendly Job Market" at the Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Tuesday (9 / 9). Other speakers at the seminar include the Director of Employment and Economic Analysis of Bappenas Bambang Widianto, an economist from the Australian National University (ANU) Chris Manning, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Soedjai Kartasasmita, and Chairman of the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Labor Union (SBSI) Rekson Silaban.
According to Huey, the main challenge facing governments is to continue growing the number of unemployed. Data in 2002 showed, the number of open unemployment reached 9.13 million people or 9.06 percent of the total labor force. This amount is twice more than the number of open unemployment of 4.3 million people or 4.86 per cent in 1996, or the year before the crisis.
Data do not include half of the unemployed, ie people who work less than 35 hours per week, which amounted to 28.9 million people in 2002.
Even more alarming is the continued decline of formal employment opportunities, both rural and urban. The number of formal workers in the countryside who have fixed wage or waged workers in 2001 decreased by 3.3 million people. In 2002, the number of urban formal workers decreases and 469,000 people in rural areas decreased 1.1 million people.
"This indicator shows, employment opportunities created during the years 2001 and 2002 have low quality because more job opportunities created in the informal sector," he said.
In the meantime, there is a tendency in large corporations have increased wages higher than the growth of added value. "If this is true, as a sign that the competitiveness of Indonesian labor decline, though much needed to face global competition," said Huey explained.
According to him, in order to increase employment, economic growth should be able to reach six to seven percent. Yet, to achieve seven percent growth is very difficult, because it relies on new investments. In the meantime, investors will not choose Indonesia as a place to invest because of the economic cost is very high, due to the strength of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
"If you want investors to come to Indonesia, corruption must be eradicated completely, not just by the way, but the perpetrators must be punished completely indiscriminate," Huey said firmly.
With current conditions, according to Huey, the preferred investment sector that is not too modern and sophisticated machines without using. He said also, during the informal sector, considered to be very helpful to absorb the people who are unemployed, but creative and a silencer in the middle of the global market. However, that does not mean the formal sector is negligible.
Director of Employment and Economic Analysis of Bappenas Bambang Widianto explained, the next five years this country still have to develop a solid industry workers and highly unlikely to switch to modern technology.
The reason, the structure of the labor force, workers, and unemployment according to education is still dominated by primary school graduates (SD) to the bottom. For the labor force in 2002, primary school educated down to reach 59.05 million people or about 58.6 percent of the labor force.
Development assessed by Bambang concern is the tendency of the informal sector shrinking period 2001-2002, coupled with a growing wage differentials between workers in the broad formal and informal sectors. Another factor is the decrease in productivity in the manufacturing industry and rising youth unemployment, which is 15-19 years.
In the meantime, there are some rules that potentially cause infleksibilitas job market. For example, regulations relating to the protection in the workplace, regarding termination of employment (FLE), and related to the minimum wage.
as well as in Purwakarta unemployment is still too much, especially the high school graduates adam college even though the most dominant ..
many are hoping in the future the government can streamline the number of unemployed soared each year more ...
Source: (Eta) Kompas Daily, Jakarta
excerpt from
Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009
There may be some people who were confused about how to install the cpu ...
well now I'll give some old articles that might be useful ...
please refer to the following steps to install the CPU...
well now I'll give some old articles that might be useful ...
please refer to the following steps to install the CPU...
- Please Turn Off the power and unplug the power cord before installing the CPU. Pull the lever sideways away from the socket. make sure to raise the lever up to a 90 degree angle.
- look for the gold arrow. The gold arrow should point towards the lever pivot. The CPU can only fit ini the correct orientation.
- If the CPU correctly installed, the pins should be completely embedded into socket an can not be seen. Please not that any violation of the correct installation procedures may cause permanent damages to your mainboard.
- press the CPU down firmly into the socket and close the lever, As the CPU is likely to move while the lever is being closed, always close the lever with your fingers pressing tighty on top of the CPU to make sure the CPU is properly and completely embedded into the socket.
- position the CPU cooler set on to the CPU.
- use one end of the clip to hook the latch of the CPU sliding plate and then hook the other three latch to fix the cooling fan set. At Last, connect the fan to the power supply connector provided on your mainboard...
History of the Internet in Indonesian
In 2008 a lot of some legendary in the early development of the Internet in Indonesia is less known by the audience, such as RMS Ibrahim, Suryono Adisoemarta, Mohammed Ihsan, Robby Soebiakto, Putu, Firman Siregar, Adi Indrayanto.
At that time in the early 1990s the Internet network in Indonesia, better known as the community network. The spirit of cooperation, mutual assistance of family & very warm and was among the perpetrators. The atmosphere is somewhat different with the Internet today that Indonesia was more commercial and individual in some activities, especially involving Internet commerce.
Inspiration early writings coming from Indonesia Internet activities in amateur radio counterparts especially in Amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB in the year of 1986. Capital flight Rig Kenwood TS430 HF SSB's Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE with the Apple II computer YC1DAV owned about a dozen young people like Harya ITB Sudirapratama YC1HCE, J. Tjandra Pramudito YB3NR (now a lecturer at UNPAR), Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN (now a lecturer in Texas, U.S.) with Onno W. Purbo YC1DAV they sit on the senior amateur radio as Robby Soebiakto YB1BG, Achmad Zaini YB1HR, Joshua YB2SV, YB0TD on 40m band. Mas Robby temperature Soebiakto YB1BG is among the radio amateurs in Indonesia especially for the radio packet data communications are then pushed to the TCP / IP, packet radio technology, TCP / IP which was adopted by fellow BPPT, LAPAN, UI, & ITB which then become the foundation PaguyubanNet in the year-1992-1994's. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG was the first coordinator of AMPR IP-Net (Amateur Packet Radio Network) which is known as the Internet domain name and IP AMPR.ORG 44,132. Currently AMPR-net in Indonesia YC1DAV coordination by the author. Coordination and its activity requires one to become a member and in coordination ORARI through mailing list.
In the year 1986-1987-an early development of packet radio network in Indonesia Mas Robby is also a pioneer YB1BG friends among the amateur radio network linking Indonesia amateur Bulletin Board System (BBS) is an e-mail network of store and forward linking lots " server "BBS radio amateurs around the world for e-mail can proceed smoothly. In the early 1990s communication between Onno W. Purbo, who had been in Canada to call colleagues YC1DAV/VE3 amateur radio in Indonesia is carried out through this network of radio amateurs. With the equipment PC / XT and 2 meter walkie talkies, communications between the Indonesia-Canada continues smoothly through a network of radio amateurs. Mas Robby was successfully built YB1BG amateur satellite gateway at his home in Labu through OSCAR satellites owned by radio amateurs and to further communication faster between Indonesia and Canada. Knowledge gradually transferred through a network of radio amateurs.
In about the year 1994 began operating art led by Sanjaya. Art is Indonesia's first commercial ISP. At that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet a reckless step that just might. Location Indonet still in the area of complex Rawamangun UI faculty, Sanjaya's father is the coincidence of the UI faculty.
Early access in early Indonet use text mode with a shell account, Lynx browser and email client on AIX server is pine.
BBS started in 1995 some of Indonesia such as Clarissa provide Telnet access to foreign countries. By using the remote browser Lynx in the U.S., the Internet users in Indonesia can access the Internet (HTTP).
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information.
Since 1988, CIX (England) offers e-mail and Newsgroups. Later offers services HTTP and FTP access. Some Internet users use the 1200 bps modems and telephone lines are very expensive International to access the Internet. Since 1989 CompuServe (USA) also offers e-mail and newsgroup recently, HTTP / FTP. Some users CompuServe using a modem that is connected to the Infonet Gateway located in Jakarta. CompuServe access costs are still expensive, but much cheaper than CIX.
and further development of the internet here in indonesia's rapid development. this can be proved by the number of people who use the internet ...
oy, this article may be written so many reply that there is a feeling and the same in this article,, sorry ...
At that time in the early 1990s the Internet network in Indonesia, better known as the community network. The spirit of cooperation, mutual assistance of family & very warm and was among the perpetrators. The atmosphere is somewhat different with the Internet today that Indonesia was more commercial and individual in some activities, especially involving Internet commerce.
Inspiration early writings coming from Indonesia Internet activities in amateur radio counterparts especially in Amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB in the year of 1986. Capital flight Rig Kenwood TS430 HF SSB's Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE with the Apple II computer YC1DAV owned about a dozen young people like Harya ITB Sudirapratama YC1HCE, J. Tjandra Pramudito YB3NR (now a lecturer at UNPAR), Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN (now a lecturer in Texas, U.S.) with Onno W. Purbo YC1DAV they sit on the senior amateur radio as Robby Soebiakto YB1BG, Achmad Zaini YB1HR, Joshua YB2SV, YB0TD on 40m band. Mas Robby temperature Soebiakto YB1BG is among the radio amateurs in Indonesia especially for the radio packet data communications are then pushed to the TCP / IP, packet radio technology, TCP / IP which was adopted by fellow BPPT, LAPAN, UI, & ITB which then become the foundation PaguyubanNet in the year-1992-1994's. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG was the first coordinator of AMPR IP-Net (Amateur Packet Radio Network) which is known as the Internet domain name and IP AMPR.ORG 44,132. Currently AMPR-net in Indonesia YC1DAV coordination by the author. Coordination and its activity requires one to become a member and in coordination ORARI through mailing list.
In the year 1986-1987-an early development of packet radio network in Indonesia Mas Robby is also a pioneer YB1BG friends among the amateur radio network linking Indonesia amateur Bulletin Board System (BBS) is an e-mail network of store and forward linking lots " server "BBS radio amateurs around the world for e-mail can proceed smoothly. In the early 1990s communication between Onno W. Purbo, who had been in Canada to call colleagues YC1DAV/VE3 amateur radio in Indonesia is carried out through this network of radio amateurs. With the equipment PC / XT and 2 meter walkie talkies, communications between the Indonesia-Canada continues smoothly through a network of radio amateurs. Mas Robby was successfully built YB1BG amateur satellite gateway at his home in Labu through OSCAR satellites owned by radio amateurs and to further communication faster between Indonesia and Canada. Knowledge gradually transferred through a network of radio amateurs.
In about the year 1994 began operating art led by Sanjaya. Art is Indonesia's first commercial ISP. At that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet a reckless step that just might. Location Indonet still in the area of complex Rawamangun UI faculty, Sanjaya's father is the coincidence of the UI faculty.
Early access in early Indonet use text mode with a shell account, Lynx browser and email client on AIX server is pine.
BBS started in 1995 some of Indonesia such as Clarissa provide Telnet access to foreign countries. By using the remote browser Lynx in the U.S., the Internet users in Indonesia can access the Internet (HTTP).
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information.
Since 1988, CIX (England) offers e-mail and Newsgroups. Later offers services HTTP and FTP access. Some Internet users use the 1200 bps modems and telephone lines are very expensive International to access the Internet. Since 1989 CompuServe (USA) also offers e-mail and newsgroup recently, HTTP / FTP. Some users CompuServe using a modem that is connected to the Infonet Gateway located in Jakarta. CompuServe access costs are still expensive, but much cheaper than CIX.
and further development of the internet here in indonesia's rapid development. this can be proved by the number of people who use the internet ...
oy, this article may be written so many reply that there is a feeling and the same in this article,, sorry ...
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